Untreated or traditional concrete flooring may seem indestructible. After all, what’s stronger than concrete? While concrete is strong, it’s definitely not immune to damage thanks to its porous nature that readily absorbs liquids and can even crack when subjected to heavy loads. Epoxy flooring is a liquid-applied flooring system that bonds with the concrete and cures into an ultra-strong plastic material that actually increases the strength of your concrete while protecting it from damage.
Here’s how epoxy flooring and bare concrete flooring stack up against each other in several important areas.

Moisture Concerns
One of the biggest concerns with traditional concrete is it’s very porous. While the pores in concrete are very tiny, they comprise about 15% of the concrete’s surface, leaving a network pores that readily absorb moisture. This can be a problem for many reasons. When concrete absorbs liquids, it can stain or even become damaged by absorbed chemicals, salt, and water. When moisture in the concrete freezes and thaws, it causes damage and cracks over time that can affect the structural integrity of the concrete. In commercial and industrial settings, this porous nature allows dangerous chemicals to seep into the concrete and potentially into the ground. Traditional concrete is also impossible to sanitize.
Epoxy flooring bonds with the concrete to create a virtually seamless floor system. Moisture cannot permeate the epoxy, preventing water from seeping up fro